Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yak attack 08

Over the 24th of July weekend I joined the Utah Whitewater Club in their annual Payette river soiree. It was a blast with lots of unintended fish counting on my part. One day we had a videographer from channel 4 tag along and do a lot of filming. Here's the 4 minute spot that they aired about it. I'm in there a few times. Look for a Red boat and blue paddle or white shirt and green shorts.


  1. I saw you! I saw you! You were relaxing on the banks. I couldn't identify you in the water though. i'm sure you were somewhere in all that crushing ferocity though. :)

  2. being crushed no doubt. I hope I wasn't the swimmer popping up when they talked about beginners. Couldn't tell with the glare. There were a few of us.
