Thursday, November 20, 2008

Personal Surf Spot

Last Saturday at about 4:30 I decided that I wanted to get on the Provo River by my house. For a number of weeks, I've been enhancing a small feature on the Provo River right below the Geneva Road bridge, building eddies, adding rocks to a small drop to make a wave more surfable (hopefully). There was only about 60 cfs in the river so it was pretty boney but it was good to paddle again.

By about 5:00pm I was on the river with Miki watching from the shore for "safety." Here I'm trying to paddle up into the sweet spot to do a little front surfing. The surfing is tiny but it will be fun to watch what the feature does with more water.

By about 5:30 it was getting kind of dark and time to throw a few more rocks around and then get out.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chickens a-go-go!

Hey, here is this shot that I have been animating for the BYU produced film "Sheriff". I've been working on it in my spare time for a very long time now. I think that it is finally ready to hand off to the people who are going to do the shading, lighting, rendering and compositing.

It is supposed to show how completely this old west town has come together with a rooster as its sheriff and the people now free from fear of the previously running amuck bad guys. Peaceful and prosperous coexistence between people and poultry, that's the deal. There are 140 baby chicks, 29 mother hens and 5 roosters in this shot. Each rig has 6 or 8 animation clips that I animated in maya and then sequenced in maya's trax editor to match the gross transforms in the scene. This rough compositing was done in After Effects.

Let me know what you think or if you spot a chicken behaving badly. If you want to see a bigger version of it let me know and I'll send you one.