Wednesday, September 18, 2024

A Swasey Morn

Hey here is one that I finished a while ago. It has been a busy summer so I am just getting around to blogging about it. This one is titled "A Swaseys Morn". It was inspired by an early morning walk I took around the Swasey's Beach Boat ramp by Green River Utah. I was out there last April with some dear friends. We were getting ready to paddle the river and I was up early to soak in the beauty and spirit of the place at sunrise. As the sun was just starting to lighten the sky the first rays caught a wispy line of clouds and gave them a touch of pink. I snapped the reference photo quickly because the effect was gone in less than a minute. I like how this one is so cool colored with just a touch or warmth. 

I guess I am doing a sunrise series because this one is number 4 and I have several more planned. 

This one is Oils on Panel at 10x20". It will be on display at the Scera Center for the Arts in Orem in the Utah Valley Artist Guild's Fall Show through the first week of November. Come check it out!

Here is the photo reference and the GPS coordinates from where I took it. 39.111276, -110.109546

And here are some work in progress progression shots. 

This is my color palette for this piece:

  • Prussian Blue
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Viridrian Green
  • Naples Yellow
  • Raw Sienna
  • Ultramarine Violet
  • Manganese Violet
  • Ivory Black
  • Titanium White


Friday, July 12, 2024

Venus' Nightwatch

 Hey! Here is a painting that I completed in June. It is a fun and challenging sunrise piece. This one I experienced back in December as I was riding my bike out by the airport. The slimmest crescent moon had just peaked over the horizon and the clouds were aglow and Venus was over looking but quickly getting ready to pack it in. 

This one is 20x10 inches, oils on canvas. I used more medium and layers on this one. I think that helped get the clouds to feel more liquid and flowy. These are the GPS coordinates: 40.217154, -111.694789 (facing to the southeast). ENJOY!

Here are some of the WIP shots:   


And the original reference shot:

These are the paint colors that I used:
Prussian Blue
Cobalt Blue
Cerulean Blue
Naples Yellow
Cadmium Red Medium
Radiant Violet
Ivory Black
Titanium White

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Place of Healing

This is Gold Cord Lake in Alaska. I have never been there yet. Generally I only paint landscapes of places that I have been personally but this is a special place for my daughter in law. I painted it as present for her. She has been there several times, sometimes when she is struggling and sometimes as she is starting a new journey or phase of her life. Sitting on one of the big rocks by the lake is a place where she finds peace, joy and relief. I tried to capture the beauty and contrast between the struggles and the peace. I think I did an decent job. This one brings me peace too!

Place of Healing is Oils on Panel, 20x16. Here are the GPS coordinates 61.796519, -149.267786 
if you are ever in that neck of the woods. If you look at it on Google maps it is all covered in snow (link). Enjoy!

Here are the work in progress shots. I gathered a lot of different personal and public photos and made a composite reference image in photoshop to refer to while painting. 

These are the colors that I used for this piece: 
  • Phthalo Blue
  • Cerulean Blue
  • Phthalo Turquoise
  • Phthalo Green
  • Cadmium Green
  • Naples Yellow
  • India Yellow
  • Raw Sienna
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Dioxazine Purple
  • Ivory Black
  • Titanium White

Monday, April 8, 2024

Timpanogos Dawn

Hey, I got another sunrise piece done! This one is called Timpanogos Dawn. 20x10 oils on panel.

I struggled with the highlights and shadow on the mountain initially, but I'm satisfied with how it is now. Struggle is good, right!?

Here are the GPS coordinates: 40.215625, -111.690803 and some WIP shots and the reference I took last fall.

The reference was taken mid November 2023 on one of my early morning bike rides. This day I was headed West on the new Lakeview Parkway in Provo. There is a nice bike path and some open spaces that give you a good view of the valley and mountains. I feel like I will be doing a lot of paintings of different view points along this path.

Enjoy and let me know what you think!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Way off the beaten path!

Well what do you know?! I finished another piece! This one is "Above Snow Hollow Loop" it is 20x10, oil on board. These are the GPS coordinates: 39.946029, -112.414842.

Snow Hollow Loop is south of Vernon Utah and west of Eureka. Miki and I were out there exploring some little jeep trails last May after a very heavy snow season. Neither of us had been in the area before. There is a reservoir and campground down by the main loop but there are a good dozen or more jeep trails that spur off of it. We explored a handful and left the rest for another time when we are out there again.

One thing that was interesting to see is the grey areas around the snow fields. It seems like the as the snow melts it takes a while for the plants to sprout up and turn things green. So the grey areas are where the plants haven't had enough time to grow yet.

Here are a couple WIP shots and the reference from that day. Enjoy!

Monday, February 12, 2024

Burnt Toast

Hurray! Another painting completed. This one is titled "Burnt Toast." It is 14x11, Oil on Panel.

This is a fun landmark in the middle of the 7-mile Rim trail in Moab. You have to squeeze your jeep between the three big rocks in the foreground and the jumble of rocks behind them. This landmark is right below Merrimac Butte and right across from Monitor Butte. Those buttes really do remind you of the Civil War battleships. It is interesting noticing the difference in the rock color of the "Toast" slices from the other boulders around it. I have to assume that they fell from high up on the butte where the layers are darker and redder than those at the lower level around them. I'm not sure if they split when they fell or split from ice and weathering in their current location.

Here are the GPS coordinates: 38.661821, -109.743728 And here is an early WIP and the reference image that I used.


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

End of a Tough Ride

 Hey friends! Here is another painting that I completed recently. This one is "Destination Towers." It is 10x20 oils on panel and here are the GPS coordinates: 38.683406, -109.750537

This is an amazing place. This imposing feature marks the end of the challenging parts of the 7 Mile Rim trail in Moab Utah. It is a little ways above the famous "Wipeout Hill" which is always a nail biter for me. It is interesting to see how prominent the different layers of rock are and how distinct the coloring changes from the purple at the top to the redish below. Enjoy!

Here are my reference images and an early WIP shot.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Looking Up

Sunrise over Rock Canyon - 10x20, oil on panel

Here are the GPS coordinates - 40.241708, -111.733310

A few months ago I was riding by the airport and saw some wispy clouds above the mountains. There wasn't much light yet but I kept my eye on them as I made my way north and west out toward Utah Lake. When I got past the campground, the sky was on fire with pink, purple, orange and yellow. I watched for a minute. It amazes me how quickly the light changes or fades some mornings.

I finally got another one framed!

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Fall Colors

I had a lot of fun figuring out how to do the fall colors of Utah. This spot is one of my favorite spots on the Alpine Loop on the East side of Mount Timpanogos. Thanks so much for commissioning this piece Kayla! Enjoy!

Timp Alpine Loop - 40.408696, -111.604070

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Painting Again!

 My Cousin and mentor Jenny Richter challenged me to start painting again. So I dusted off my paint box and got going. We would meet at Mary Adams' house and work on different projects as they showed me the nuts and bolts of oils that I had forgotten over the the last few decades. 

Currently I am really drawn to the the extra wide format because I feel like it is the best fit for the landscapes that are currently inspiring me. It is amazing how much differently I look at the world around me when I think that I might end up paining it. It helps me see the beauty and awe in nature again. 

Here are the paintings that I have created in the last few months (most recent at the top and earliest at the bottom, GPS coordinates of the location included.)

Take Out Butte - 39.120369, -110.113605 (10"x20")

Poison Sider - 38.545695, -109.594600 (20"x10")

Devil's Lane - Not Lost Yet - 38.133911, -109.873089 (8"x16")

March Irises - 40.226641, -111.689326 (4.5"x9")

Forrest Lake - Bishop's Question - 40.511916, -111.587120 (9"x4.5")